Martian Analog (MMS-2 M)

Practical significance

The composition and ratios of the chemical compounds in the MMS-2 were adjusted so that the simulant is a more than 90% chemical match to the surface of Mars.


The MMS-2 (enhanced Mars Simulant) is made by The Martian Garden ( by adding Iron III Oxide, Magnesium Oxside, Sulfates, and Silicates to the Mojave Mars Simulant that was mined from the Saddleback Basalt at the Mojave desert.

Main constituent
Particle size Mie: reff (μm)
Particle size Mie: veff
Particle size

The sample was processed at the Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio (CSIC-ICV) to produce a narrow particle size distribution centered at 3-4 micrometers.

Size distribution plot:
Size distribution MMS-2 M
Size distribution table
SEM/TEM images:
MMS-2 M SEM Images
Scattering matrix (1) wavelength in nm
488.00 nm
Scattering matrix (1) table
Scattering matrix (1) plot:
Scattering matrix elements MMS-2 M - 488 nm
Scattering matrix (2) wavelength in nm
640.00 nm
Scattering matrix (2) table
Scattering matrix (2) plot:
Scattering matrix elements MMS-2 M - 640 nm
Refractive index

The complex refractive indices of the MMS-2 analogue were retrieved using the MMS-2 XL sample for a wavelength range of 200-2000 nm (see Martikainen et al., 2023). For the wavelengths of the scattering matrix measurements, the values were interpolated as shown by Martikainen et al., (2024). 

At 488 nm, n = 1.5 and k =0.0011. At 640 nm, n = 1.5 and k = 0.00035.

Optical Properties
Phase matrices
Angle range (deg)