Martian Analog (MMS-2 M)
The composition and ratios of the chemical compounds in the MMS-2 were adjusted so that the simulant is a more than 90% chemical match to the surface of Mars.
The MMS-2 (enhanced Mars Simulant) is made by The Martian Garden (themartiangarden.com) by adding Iron III Oxide, Magnesium Oxside, Sulfates, and Silicates to the Mojave Mars Simulant that was mined from the Saddleback Basalt at the Mojave desert.
The sample was processed at the Instituto de Cerámica y Vidrio (CSIC-ICV) to produce a narrow particle size distribution centered at 3-4 micrometers.

The complex refractive indices of the MMS-2 analogue were retrieved using the MMS-2 XL sample for a wavelength range of 200-2000 nm (see Martikainen et al., 2023). For the wavelengths of the scattering matrix measurements, the values were interpolated as shown by Martikainen et al., (2024).
At 488 nm, n = 1.5 and k =0.0011. At 640 nm, n = 1.5 and k = 0.00035.