Muñoz et al., 2025
Update Granada–Amsterdam Light Scattering Database
O. Muñoz, E. Frattin, J. Martikainen, D. Guirado, M. Passas-Varo, J. Escobar-Cerezo, F.J. García-Izquierdo, J.C. Gómez-Martín, Z. Gray, T. Jardiel, F. Moreno, A.J. Ocaña, M. Peiteado, A.T. Gallego-Calvente, H. Volten, 2024. Update Granada–Amsterdam Light Scattering Database. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, Vol. 331, p. 109252.
We present an update to the Granada–Amsterdam Light Scattering Database (https://scattering.iaa.es/), which includes experimental data from both the IAA-Cosmic Dust Laboratory in Granada and the Amsterdam light scattering setup. The updated version features an expanded collection of samples and a more userfriendly interface. We have extended the size range of our mineral samples to mm-cm-sized single particles. Additionally, we have added the diffuse reflectance spectra of some of our powder samples and, from these spectra, obtained the corresponding refractive indices (200 nm–2000 nm). We have also incorporated synthetic scattering matrices defined across the entire scattering angle range (0◦ to 180◦ ) for most of the powder samples contained in the database. Data in the database are freely available under the request of citation of this paper and the paper in which the data are published.