Experimental Phase Function and Degree of Linear Polarization of Light Scattered by Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Circumstellar Dust Analogs

Astronomical observations of the polarized intensity of scattered visible light have revealed the presence of dust envelopes around different types of evolved stars. These observations have helped determine the diameter and width of dust shells around stars with unprecedented accuracy. Simple geometric particle models are used in order to retrieve dust properties from these observations. In this work, we have synthesized and characterized a particulate sample of hydrogenated amorphous carbon (HAC), which is considered to be a realistic carbonaceous interstellar dust analog based on infrared absorption spectroscopy, and we have measured its phase function and degree of linear polarization curves at 514 nm using the CODULAB apparatus at IAA-CSIC. The experimental light-scattering data has been examined in order to explore possible improvements in the interpretation of astronomical observations of circumstellar dust from the point of view of the retrieval of dust properties, including size and porosity. Our results suggest that circumstellar dust observations of linearly polarized scattered light, which are commonly attributed to a population of spherical grains with a radius of ∼0.1 μm, are consistent with larger porous aggregates composed of nanometer-sized grains. In addition, an internal 50wt% mixture of HAC and ultrafine forsterite powder has been generated to study the effect of the mixing of these two components on the light-scattering behavior of dust in cometary environments and protoplanetary disks. In this case, the HAC component, which is not very absorbent, has a very small effect, and the mixture scatters light similarly to the forsterite sample.