Aggregates (fluffy) Sample 3
Practical significance
For experiments intended to mimic the formation of circumstellar dust.
Produced in the Condensation Flow Apparatus at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
Main constituent
75% MgSiO, 25% MgO
Light brown, light-brown magnesiosilica indicative of amorphous MgSiO with a high amount of silica grains; Mg/Si=1.3
Particle size
Modal grain sizes: 50 nm, 30-50 nm
Aggregate/cluster sizes: about 650 nm, 150-400nm
Particle shape
High fluffiness.
SEM/TEM images:

All SEM/TEM images (zip file)
Scattering matrix (1) wavelength in nm
632.80 nm
Scattering matrix (1) table
Scattering matrix (1) plot:

Refractive index
Real part 1.6.
Angle range (deg)